Schedule – 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference

Our three day virtual genealogy conference will take place September 11-13, 2024. Register for the Conference

Plus each conference registration will give you immidiate access to an additional six presentations that we handpicked from previous conferences.

September 10, 2024

7:00 PM - Keynote Speaker: Moises Garza

September 11, 2024

9:00 AM - Genealogy Research Methodology for Absolute Beginners - by Amy Carpenter
10:00 AM
- Notarial Records of New Spain and Mexico: An Introduction - by Ryan Jordan
11:00 AM
- Genealogy in the AI Era: What You Can Do with ChatGPT - by Roslyn Torrella
1:00 PM
- Mastering the MyHeritage DNA Test - by Richard Hill
2:00 PM
- Using Obituaries to Reconstruct Family Groups - by Moises Garza
3:00 PM
- Protecting Photos & Memorabilia From Disasters: A Practical Beginning - by Laurie Castillo

September 12, 2024

9:00 AM - Genealogical Records of the Nobility in New Spain and Mexico - by Ryan Jordan
10:00 AM
- Researching Your New Mexico Roots - by John P. Schmal
11:00 AM
- Solving your Picture Problems - by Allyson Maughan
1:00 PM
- Farming in the States: Migrant Workers Kept America from Starving - by Jean Hibben
2:00 PM
- Metes & Bounds, Township & Range: Land Platting and Graphing - by Amy Carpenter
3:00 PM
- Explaining the Benefits of Exploring your Extended Family Tree - by Erica Peña Vest

September 13, 2024

9:00 AM - Researching on Facebook - by Dee Pavey
10:00 AM 
- Reconstructing Mama Pepa's DNA Kit with Borland Genetics - by Wesley Johnston
11:00 AM 
- Locating Ancestors Through Scholastic Records - by Patti Williams
1:00 PM 
- Family & Taxes, Oh My! Tax Records - by Leslie Carney
2:00 PM 
- Record Types for Mexican and Spanish Colonial Genealogy Research - by Moises Garza
3:00 PM 
- A Genealogist's Guide to Sanborn Maps - by Michelle Spencer

Six Bonus Presentations (ready for viewing after you register)

As soon as you register for our conference you can enjoy immediate access to the following presentations hand picked from our past conferences.

  1. Land Holders: Missions, Prisidios, Ranches to Land Grants - by Leslie Carney

  2. Where to Start: Beginning Tips for Researching Mexican Families - by Ryan Jordan

  3. Top Ten Reasons to Use FamilySearch - by Lianne Kruger

  4. Breaking Down Sources: Evaluating Records as Evidence - by Zacahary Hamilton

  5. Sephardic Influence in Mexico's Northeast. Implications, Myths and Facts - by Jose Ruben Riojas

  6. 25+ Ways to Make Your Family Histories Vibrant and Appealing - by Laurie Castillo

Registration for the 7th We Are Cousins Virtual

 Genealogy Conference Has Started!