We Are Cousins Call for Presentations

Submission Deadline: April 15, 2024

We Are Cousins announces a Call for Presentations for the 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference. Selected presentations will be used for our live virtual event during September 11-13, 2024 and the recordings will be archived on our website and available to current and future attendees based on the conference pass they select.

We are looking for enthusiastic presenters with a passion for genealogy! If you would like to teach and inspire other genealogists, researchers, and family historians then this conference is perfect for you. On previous conferences we have had up to over 260 attendees ranging from beginner to expert. 

We are looking for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level presentations. Seasoned and new speakers are encouraged to submit.

Submission Ideas

The areas of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Records & Repositories (land, probate, tax, court, and other records)
  • Research in Texas, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila
  • Record Analysis and Skill Building
  • DNA for Genealogy
  • Methodology and problem-solving techniques
  • Writing, Storytelling, and Publishing
  • Basic to experienced genealogical topics (ex: how to or getting started)
  • History combined with Genealogy

Submission Requirements

Presentations need to be forty to forty-five minutes to allow 10 minutes for questions and answers after presentation.

If you would like to be a presenter, you may submit up to three proposals. Each submitted proposal requires the following information:

  • Speaker’s full name, mailing address, telephone, and email address
  • Presentation title (please keep it short 10 word or less)
  • Lecture summary for program brochure, not to exceed fifty words
  • Speaker’s biography, not to exceed fifty words
  • A photo for the brochure and website

Submission deadline is April 15, 2024

Compensation Package

  • Conference will get $150.00 per presentation (up to three),
  • A $25.00 bonus for Syllabus materials if received before deadline of August 10, 2023,
  • A $25.00 bonus for answering questions after your presentation,
  • A $50.00 bonus if you allow Las Villas del Norte to use your presentation,
  • Free registration to our virtual conference.
  • No other expenses will be provided or reimbursed.

NOTE: Please do not submit proposals for presentations that you have presented or will present at other virtual conferences and or events between August 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024, or lectures that you may have freely available online (ex; RootsTech). Also, if we don't select your proposal for our September conference we may select it for our September 2025 conference or another future conference.

Additional Requirements for Selected Presenters:

Your presentation must be on PowerPoint. We will record all presentations in the month of August via Zoom. This means that you will present from your home and must have a computer and microphone. No experience using Zoom required, we will walk you through the process. (You can also self-record and must provide recording by August 10, 2024).

Selected speakers should submit a two to five page handout by August 10, 2023. The handout, speaker photo, and speaker biography will be included in the conference syllabus distributed to conference attendees.

Proposal, Agreement, Self-Recording & Syllabus Timeline

  • April 15, 2024: Proposals due.
  • April 17, 2024: Notifications of acceptance will be sent out to speakers on this date or two days after.
  • April 24, 2024: Signed agreement is due.
  • August 10, 2024: Syllabus materials due and if Self-Recording presentation is due.
  • August 2024: All presentations will be recorded.


If you have questions or need clarification on anything, please send us a message using our contact form.

Submit Your Proposal Here

Please use the form below to submit your proposal. We recommend you submit three in order to have better chances of being selected.

Please use the buttons below to help us spread the word about our conference. Thanks in advance.

Registration for the 7th We Are Cousins Virtual

 Genealogy Conference Has Started!