Shaunese Luthy

Professional Genealogist Shaunese Luthy has been a speaker in the past for the We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference. In this post you can read more about her and her presentations.
About Shaunese Luthy
I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Family History and Genealogy from Brigham Young University in 2018. My research is focused in the: Dakotas Regions, Central Plain Regions, Midwest/Great Lake Regions, and Mountain West Region. I am the owner of Untangle Your Roots, specializing in client research, presentations and life stories.
Past and Archived Presentations
NOTE: The following presentations can only be viewed for 60 days after each conference if you purchase the Gold Pass. Or all year if you purchase the Platinum Pass.
Title: Does my Ancestor have a F.A.N Club? (Presented at the 4th WAC Conference)
Summary: Ever wonder who your ancestor’s Friends, Associates and Neighbors were? By using different records such as Censuses, Vitals, Land, Church, and Probate will help build your ancestor’s F.A.N club. The importance of having a F.A.N club will also be discussed. Watch Presentation
Title: How Do I Keep Track of My Research? (Presented at the 2nd WAC Conference)
Summary: Research logs are one of the keys to a successful research project. The use of a research log is to keep track of records already searched while saving time from searching through them again. This class will help create a research log along with the information to add to it. Watch Presentation
Read About Other Speakers
View more speakers here: Virtual Conference Speakers