Nefi Arenas

Professional Genealogist Nefi Arenas has been a speaker in the past for the We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference.. In this post, you can read more about him and his presentations.
About Nefi Arenas
Nefi is a full-time genealogy researcher based in Toluca, Mexico. He specializes in finding Jewish ancestors in Colonial Mexico. He was born in Mexico City, graduated from BYU Idaho and founded Parentum Genealogy Services. He is an APG board member, and has presented for Roots Tech.
Past and Archived Presentations
NOTE: The following presentations can only be viewed for 60 days after each conference if you purchase the Gold Pass. Or all year if you purchase the Platinum Pass.
Title: Research at the Monterrey Municipal Archive (Presented at the 4th WAC Conference)
Summary: Are you having trouble finding your Nuevo Leon ancestors on church records? They might have left a testament, sold land, or produced another record with genealogical information to break down that brick-wall. In this presentation I teach how to access and search records from the Monterrey Municipal Archive. Watch Presentation
Title: No Surnames? No Problem! Researching Indigenous Ancestors in Mexico (Presented at the 3rd WAC Conference)
Summary: A prevailing myth when researching ancestors in Mexico who belonged to an indigenous group is that there is no documentation available, or that it can't be done. Indigenous books are usually well preserved; there are a few challenges (like no surnames) but those ancestors can be found. Watch Presentation
Title: Stuck in Nuevo Leon? ‐ Local Research Strategies (Presented at the 3rd WAC Conference)
Summary: Compared to the rest of Mexico, research in Nuevo Leon can be relatively easy. However, records in some of its towns and cities have some unique characteristics that could keep you from finding your ancestors. This session covers a few very specific research strategies for towns like Cadereyta, and Marin. Watch Presentation
Title: From Huichapan to Nuevo Leon (Presented at the 2nd WAC Conference)
Summary: During the early 1600s, a few years after the definitive founding of Monterrey, another wave of immigrants arrived into the Nuevo Reino de Leon. A large group of Spanish traders, military officers, and cattle ranchers arrived from the town of Huichapan. A few of these families will be studied here. Watch Presentation
Title: Jewish Roots in Nuevo Leon ‐ What documents actually say (Presented at the 2nd WAC Conference)
Summary: After the initial founding of Monterrey, the arrest and trial of the Carvajal family resulted on the scattering of the kingdom's initial settlers. Most people with ancestry in Nuevo Leon descend from the subsequent migration waves. This session analyzes the question of Jewish origins of these later settlers. Watch Presentation
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