Laurie Castillo

Professional Researcher Laurie Castillo will be a speaker for the 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference this coming September 11-13, 2024. In this post you can read more about her and what she will be presenting.
About Laurie Castillo
1st VP Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group; Former VP/Executive Secretary and Board Member, Utah Genealogical Association; BYU FHL consultant & teacher 28+ years; Professional researcher, writer 30+ years; Former Utah State DAR Officer; Instructor: RootsTech 2015-2020, BYU Family History Conference 2014-2019; FamilyRoots Conference 2020; local and regional conferences.
Scheduled Presentation for 7th WAC Conference
Title: Protecting Photos & Memorabilia From Disasters: A Practical Beginning
Summary: Comming soon
Past and Archived Presentations
NOTE: The following presentations can only be viewed for 60 days after each conference if you purchase the Gold Pass. Or all year if you purchase the Platinum Pass.
Title: Lesser Known Census Records: Non-Population Schedules (Presented at the 6th WAC Conference)
Summary: Non-population census records include schedules for: Military Veterans; Mortality; Slaves; Agricultural & Industrial production; Native Americans; ā3Dā census of 1880 [Defective, Dependent and Delinquent Classes] and Social Conditions. Find out what records still exist, where to locate them and what kind of details may be acquired to flesh out your family story. Watch Presentation
Title: Pinpointing Ancestral Locations with Surname Distribution Maps (Presented at the 5th WAC Conference)
Summary: This is a look at general surname mapping websites and the type of features to watch for in these programs. Next there is a tour alphabetically through those websites available for specific countries. Lastly a look at 2 or 3 products available for purchase that may be of benefit in surname research. Watch Presentation
Title: Learning More About Ancestral Surnames (Presented at the 5th WAC Conference)
Summary: In this presentation, you will learn more about ancestral surnames and resources to continue your learning. Watch Presentation
Title: Strategies and Tools for Breaking through Genealogy Brick Walls (Presented at the 4th WAC Conference)
Summary: The four ancestral identifiers in genealogy are: Name, Date, Place and Relationship. When something is amiss with one or more of the identifiers, research can stall. Presentation examines each of the identifiers more closely, detailing new strategies for data analysis to help researchers punch through those pesky brick walls. Watch Presentation
Title: 25+ Ways to Make Your Family Histories Vibrant and Appealing (Presented at the 4th WAC Conference)
Summary: Yes! You can create family histories that are vibrant and appealing even when few family photos are available. All of us will need these techniques for ancestors who lived before the advent of modern photography in 1839. Fortunately, there are many other ways to illustrate the life and times of our ancestors. Be mindful of the ways they traveled, worshiped, gained an education and made a living. Consider the places they lived, the climate and weather, their dress, ethnicity, talents and skills. 25+ ideas will be presented with accompanying resources. So many engaging items exist that can shed light on the lives of our ancestors and breathe life into the family history! You can do it! Watch Presentation
Title: Major Archives and Libraries for Texas Genealogy Research (Presented at the 3rd WAC Conference)
Summary: There are some impressive collections of Texas historical records, documents, and images available at a number of locations in Texas. There continue to be projects to organize, index and digitize these materials to make them easier to locate and use. More of these resources are available online than ever. Watch Presentation
Title: Mpping Texas: Locate All the Jurisdictions and Find More Records! (Presented at the 3rd WAC Conference)
Summary: Using historical maps, atlases, and gazetteers will assist you in locating all of the jurisdictions you should be checking to find the records of your family. There are many online resources that will help simplify this process. Finding more records means a more complete story of your family can be told. Watch Presentation
Title: Newspaper Research in Texas ā Resources for English and Spanish Language Publications (Presented at the 2nd WAC Conference)
Summary: Numerous Texas newspapers are now available for research via the Internet, many of them at no cost. Presentation will include National and State newspaper projects, Archives & Libraries, Historical & Genealogical Societies, University and College Collections, Internet portal web sites and some premium web sites that may be searched without cost. Watch Presentation
Title: Unique Resources for Texas Genealogy Research (Presented at the 2nd WAC Conference)
Summary: Many resources have been made available to the public by colleges and universities and other organizations that are digitizing and posting portions of their collections. These possibilities are worth considering as you may find that quality studies have already been done on the people or places of interest to you. Watch Presentation
Read About Other Speakers
View more speakers here: Virtual Conference Speakers
Hello. How do i get a copy of the syllabus?
Hello John, it was posted in the chat earlier today. On September 18th it will be posted along with the recording. Are you able to log in to the conference?