Ricky Reyes

Ricky Reyes will be the Keynote speaker for the 3rd We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference that will take place on March 23-25, 2022. In this post, you can read more about him and his presentation.
About Ricky Reyes
Mr. Ricky D. Reyes RA, is a Texas Registered Architect and Retired Multi-million Construction Project Manager. Continuing his Native American family roots as Mestizo Shaman (Curandero) & Herbalist, has authored “Texas First: Prayer - The Four Directions Prayer.” As Historian, mastered Genealogy, Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology and Astronomy. Artisian in: Metal Sculpture, Film Director / Producer and Actor; Texas History Re-enactor. He has presented at several conferences plus the San Antonio Tricentennial Tejano Genealogy Conference; had an Audience with Pope Francis at Vatican City.
Scheduled Presentations for 3rd WAC Conference
Title: Keynote: 4 Directions Prayer
Archived Presentation
Title: Native American Genealogy: Water is Memory
Summary: Tired of not finding written documents of your Indigenous or Native ancestors? Join us in this venturous talk on discovering where the clues are. “Water is Memory” will trigger memories within you that can help you discover your past while on this journey of self-discovery. Watch Presentation
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