Penny Walters

Penny Walters

Professor and Genealogy Speaker Dr. Penny Walters will be a speaker for the 6th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference this coming September 21-22, 2023. In this post you can read more about her and what she will be presenting.

About Penny Walters

Dr. Penny Walters has been a University lecturer for 30 years, teaching Psychology and Business Studies. Penny lectures internationally in-person, writes articles, and is sought after for a wide range of webinar topics. Penny has authored the books: 'Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy' and ‘The Psychology of Searching.’

Scheduled Presentation for 6th WAC Conference

Title:  An Introduction to Forensic Genetic Genealogy

Summary: This session will show the methodology of how DNA information about potential relationships can be utilised by law enforcement, as was seen in the case of the Golden State Killer. How can we take advantage of new technologies while maintaining an ethical approach?

Past and Archived Presentations

NOTE: The following presentations can only be viewed for 60 days after each conference if you purchase the Gold Pass. Or all year if you purchase the Platinum Pass.

Title:  Incorporating social context into genealogy (Presented at the 5th WAC Conference)

Summary: Family historians want to know what did our ancestors and relatives do all day? This session will help you insert your ancestor or relative in a specific time period and place with local, national, and world events which had social and historical impacts and aid writing their micro history. Watch Presentation

Title:  Are you an ethical genealogist? (Presented at the 4th WAC Conference)

Summary: ‘I’m just compiling our family tree, what could go wrong?’ Ethical dilemmas came to the forefront since law enforcement utilized information from GEDMatch to apprehend a suspected serial killer. Attendees will benefit from reflecting on their own ethical dilemmas and considering ethical issues with empathy, sensitivity and diplomacy. Watch Presentation

Read About Other Speakers

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Registration for the 7th We Are Cousins Virtual

 Genealogy Conference Has Started!