Moises Garza

Speaker and Author Moises Garza will be a speaker for the 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference this coming September 11-13, 2024. In this post you can read more about him and what he will be presenting.
About Moises Garza
Moises Garza is the founder of We Are Cousins and Las Villas del Norte Genealogy Group. He is also the author of over 40 publications and the popular book series Last Names of Nuevo Leon. He is also the creator of the Mexican Genealogy blog and the many Facebook groups that form part of the Mexican Genealogy Network.
Scheduled Presentations for 7th WACCON
Title: Record Types for Mexican and Spanish Colonial Genealogy Research
Summary: In this presentation you can expect to learn about the most widely used record types for Mexican and Spanish Colonial genealogy research. You will also learn the type of information you can expect to find in each one and where to access these records online.
Title: Using Obituaries to Reconstruct Family Groups
Summary: With this presentation you will learn how to reconstruct extended family groups using modern day obituaries. Several case studies will be presented and best privacy practices will be discussed.
Past and Archived Presentations
NOTE: The following presentations can only be viewed for 60 days after each conference if you purchase the Gold Pass. Or all year if you purchase the Platinum Pass.
Title: Early Settlers of Nuevo Leon and Books About Them (Presented at the 5th WAC Conference)
Summary: In this presentation you will learn about the early families that settles El Nuevo Reino de Leon (Nuevo Leon, Mexico). The time covered will be 1596-1700. You will learn about books were to find more information about these families and books about their descendants. Watch Presentation
Title: Mexican Genealogy and State Communities on Facebook (Presented at the 5th WAC Conference)
Summary: Genealogy does not have to be a lonely hobby. Learn about the Mexican Genealogy and State Communities on Facebook and how they are great for researching your ancestors, sharing your discoveries, and to network with other researchers and family historians. Watch Presentation
Title: Using Computer Programs to Manage Your Family Tree (Presented at the 4th WAC Conference)
Summary: If you are still managing your family tree with pen and paper and or another system to manage it then this presentation is perfect for you. Learn first hand how software can make you more efficient and help you find ancestors faster. Watch Presentation
Title: Reboot Your Genealogy The Right Way (Presented at the 1st WAC Conference)
Summary: Author Moises Garza will talk about restarting your research the right way, about software to help you manage it, and also of websites, you should be using to find your ancestors. Watch Presentation
Title: Introduction to DNA for Genealogy Research (Presented at the 1st WAC Conference)
Summary: Learn about the different types of DNA tests for genealogy or ethnicity, the companies that provide these tests, and finally learn about tools and resources to help you get the most out of your DNA results. Watch Presentation
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