Lisa Medina

Lisa Medina will be a speaker for the 6th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference this coming September 21-22, 2023. In this post you can read more about her and what she will be presenting.
About Lisa Medina
Lisa Medina is an enthusiastic and experienced lecturer who brings together the stories and methodologies of genealogy with the effective teaching strategies in her presentations. She has experience researching in several U.S. states, as well as in the Mexican states of Jalisco, Nuevo León, Chihuahua, Sonora and Sinaloa.
Scheduled Presentations for 3rd WAC Conference
Title: Hemerotecas in México
Summary: Hemerotecas or newspaper archives in Mexico are an excellent resource for conducting family history research - and many have catalogs, indexes and even digitized images available online. In this presentation, I will share several examples of these archives and strategies for research.
Past and Archived Presentation
NOTE: The following presentations can only be viewed for 60 days after each conference if you purchase the Gold Pass. Or all year if you purchase the Platinum Pass.
Title: Location, Location, Location: Land Records Matter (presented at the 3rd WAC Conference)
Summary: This presentation provides context for the value of land records in genealogical research, as well as the historical background of land acquisition and distribution in the United States. Woven throughout the presentation are examples of land records and repositories helpful to research in the U.S. Watch Presentation
Title: Did I Marry an Axe Murderer?! The Story of Juan Corona (presented at the 3rd WAC Conference)
Summary: In 1971, the farm workers of northern California were shaken by the conviction of Juan Corona. I was similarly shaken to learn that my husband might be related to him. This presentation offers a case study for proving (or disproving!) relationships using Mexican church/civil records, immigration, and historical sources. Watch Presentation
Title: Tracing Ancestors through Revolutionary Mexico (presented at the 2nd WAC Conference)
Summary: Listen to the story of Atala Apodaca Anaya and her achievements as a female revolutionary during the early 20th century, as well as those of other lesser known figures from the Revolución Mexicana. Learn about sources and methodologies for tracing your own ancestors in revolutionary Mexico. Watch Presentation
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